Dílo zpochybňuje touhu po vítězství. Ve chvíli, kdy se k
fotografii přibližujeme, toužíme po tom, aby druhé
strana byla přemožena.
Dílo zobrazuje hru kámen, nůžky, papír,
která je základem pro většinu rozsudků mezi dvěma
jedinci, a navíc je všeobecně známá. Nemůžeme se
ale ubránit pocitu, že je zde obsahuje velký prvek
Remíza je nemyslitelná a nežádoucí, pokud k ní
dojde, hraje se znovu. Chceme znát vítěze.
Soutěžení je součástí naší kultury, je součástí
vzdělávacího systému a nástrojem motivace. Soutěž
je bezesporu často nástrojem pro dobrý výsledek, je
ale nástrojem pro vyspělou společnost? V jakých
momentech bychom měli sami u sebe touhu po výhře
potlačit, ve prospěch rozvoje nových schopnosti?
Kdo určuje pravidla, a kdo je vítěz?
The work questions the desire for victory. In the moment when the
we approach the photograph, we long for the other
to be overpowered.
we approach the photograph, we long for the other
to be overpowered.
The work depicts a game of stone, scissors, paper,
which is the basis for most judgments between two
individuals, and moreover, it is universally known. We can't be
but we can't help feeling that there is a great element of
of chance.
which is the basis for most judgments between two
individuals, and moreover, it is universally known. We can't be
but we can't help feeling that there is a great element of
of chance.
A tie is unthinkable and undesirable if it occurs
...it is played again. We want to know the winner.
...it is played again. We want to know the winner.
Competition is part of our culture, it's part of
of our education system and a tool for motivation. Competition
is without question often a tool for a good outcome, it is
but is it a tool for a mature society? In which
should we have the desire to win in ourselves
to suppress our desire to win, in favour of developing new skills?
of our education system and a tool for motivation. Competition
is without question often a tool for a good outcome, it is
but is it a tool for a mature society? In which
should we have the desire to win in ourselves
to suppress our desire to win, in favour of developing new skills?
Who makes the rules, and who is the winner?

instalace na pražském Výstavišti
výstava společnosti CJCH Umění oceňovat
installation at the Prague Exhibition Grounds
CJCH exhibition The Art of Appreciation
CJCH exhibition The Art of Appreciation

instalace v galerii Černá Labuť
installation in the Black Swan Gallery