spolupráce Jakub Marek
Dáváme holubům zelenou
Holub se adaptoval na město, a jen těžko jej můžeme vyhostit zpět do přírody. Praha se rozhodla vytvořit pro holubí populaci místo, kde nebudou na obtíž, ale budou žit v souladu s lidmi v městském prostředí. Holubí populaci nabízíme holubník, který je odrazem současného města a je symbolem pro bezproblámové projití křižovatkou našeho soužití. Pro holuby jsou semafory poměrně oblíbeným místem k po- bytu. Stavbou předcházíme nehodám, které se ve městě holubům koždodenně dějí. Věříme, že naše společná zelená bude z Vítkova dobře vidět a bude vzorem pro další holubníky ve městě.
cooperation Jakub Marek
We give the pigeons the green light
The pigeon has adapted to the city, and we can hardly banish it back to the countryside. Prague has decided to create a place for the pigeon population where they will not be a nuisance, but will live in harmony with people in an urban environment. We offer the pigeon population a pigeon house that is a reflection of the contemporary city and a symbol for a smooth passage through the crossroads of our coexistence. For pigeons, traffic lights are quite popular places to roost. By building them, we are preventing the accidents that happen to pigeons in the city every day. We believe that our common green will be visible from Vítkov and will be a model for other pigeon houses in the city.
The pigeon has adapted to the city, and we can hardly banish it back to the countryside. Prague has decided to create a place for the pigeon population where they will not be a nuisance, but will live in harmony with people in an urban environment. We offer the pigeon population a pigeon house that is a reflection of the contemporary city and a symbol for a smooth passage through the crossroads of our coexistence. For pigeons, traffic lights are quite popular places to roost. By building them, we are preventing the accidents that happen to pigeons in the city every day. We believe that our common green will be visible from Vítkov and will be a model for other pigeon houses in the city.