je to jako nechat hořet svíčku ve vedlejším pokoji
prostě z lenosti
beru zodpovědnost za krajinu, kterou znám
tak jako fotografie nenáviděného spolužáka ze střední s vypíchnutýma očima
fotografie je symbolem pro umírající krajinu
bojím se, že není hotová
Zine k prodeji za 100Kč (každý originál)
Pohlednice 1ks 20Kč 3ks 30kč
Zine a 3 pohlednice 120Kč
neváhejte se na mě obrátit
it's like leaving a candle burning in the next room
just out of laziness.
I take responsibility for the landscape I know
just like a photo of a hated high school classmate with his eyes gouged out
The photograph is a symbol for a dying landscape.
I'm afraid it's not finished.
just out of laziness.
I take responsibility for the landscape I know
just like a photo of a hated high school classmate with his eyes gouged out
The photograph is a symbol for a dying landscape.
I'm afraid it's not finished.
Zine for sale for 100Kč (each original)
Postcards 1pc 20Kč 3pc 30Kč
Zine and 3 postcards 120Kč
feel free to contact me
Postcards 1pc 20Kč 3pc 30Kč
Zine and 3 postcards 120Kč
feel free to contact me