Soubor fotografií, dokumentující studentský život, uvedený fotografií, která je focena za přímého slunce, ale vypadá focena v noci. Je focena rozbitým fotoaparátem. Noční záběry se dříve natáčely podobným způsobem pod názvem Americká noc. Jde tedy o věčnou párty někde mezi dnem a nocí.
American night
A set of photographs documenting student life, shown here taken in direct sunlight but appearing to have been taken at night. It is taken with a broken camera. Night shots were previously shot in a similar manner under the title American Night. So it's a perpetual party somewhere between day and night.
A set of photographs documenting student life, shown here taken in direct sunlight but appearing to have been taken at night. It is taken with a broken camera. Night shots were previously shot in a similar manner under the title American Night. So it's a perpetual party somewhere between day and night.